Project Field Options

The Project Field Options chiefly control the run-time behaviour of the script/questionnaire attached to the project.

To access the Project Field Options

  1. Open the Project Main Page for the desired project: See Navigation.

  2. Select Field Settings>Project Field Options in the project menu.

General Options



Automatic cleaning

This option activates the global automatic cleaning of questions within the range of programmed forward skips. See Automatic Cleaning for a full discussion of this feature.

Lower case in open-ends

When this option is activated, lowercase letters entered in open-ended responses will not be converted to uppercase. Otherwise, all letters will be converted to uppercase.

Track Response Modifications

This option activates the logging of modifications that are made to responses during interviewer or respondent sessions. The modifications are written to the ResponseModifLog table in the project database. This includes Data Importation, Data Browser, Open-end coding and Interviewing.

You can specify which questions you would like to track. The options are None, All or Selected questions. This last option allows you to choose questions in the left-hand list, and move them to the right-hand 'Selected Questions' list.

Note: This feature increases the amount of storage space occupied by the project.

Call Note Alias

A 'Call Note' is a note that may be written to a case's call history each time the case is closed (by an interviewer or respondent). The text that is written to the call event is taken (recalled) from the question whose alias you type in this field. If the question has choices, the labels and open-ends of all mentions are aggregated.

Notes: By default, the field where you specify a Call Note alias is empty i.e. the feature is inactive.

The interviewer can review a case's call history (including the Call Notes) by clicking on the 'History' button in his/her screen. See Interviewer's Main Screen.


  • If the questionnaire does not have any question bearing the Call Note Alias, then call notes will be blank in the call history.

  • From a scripting point of view, the Call Note question behaves just as any other question. It can optionally be set up as a question accessed through a hot button (within a procedure).

  • The Call Note question is automatically cleared each time the case is opened by an interviewer or respondent.

Include in Call History

At the end of each call, the value of the selected questions will be stored along with the call detail. This data will be available when extracting calls in CSV or SAV format.

Hard Call-back Automatic Reassignment Option

The purpose of this feature is to automatically convert a hard call-back to a soft call-back if its scheduled call-back time has been missed. For a discussion of hard and soft call-backs see About Call-backs.

Note: For the option to be active, both of the settings (conditions) described below require a value.



Leeway Period

The number of minutes that a hard call-back must be overdue for it to qualify for conversion into a soft call-back.

Case Result Codes

The various Case Result Code(s) upon which a case qualifies for conversion from a hard call-back to a soft call-back.

You assemble the result codes by moving them from the list of available INT codes on the left  to the list of selected codes on the right.


Navigation in IntWeb Module Options


Applies to


Allow no answer


This option causes the Minimum Number of Responses attribute of all questions to be ignored. As a general rule it should be turned off since it is advisable to impose some kind of response to a question before proceeding i.e. minimum of 1. It could be useful, however, in some CAWI projects to encourage respondents to proceed rather than forcing them to answer questions against their will.

Review Open-ends


If checked, and Review is unchecked (see below), interviewers will be able to review open-ends only i.e. they will not be able to change any other data in the questionnaire. See Review Open-Ends in the Interviewer interface.



This option controls access to the Review command in the interviewing application. It enables the interviewer re-open and navigate through the questionnaire for the case, changing  answers if required. It will allow review of open-ends as well (see Review Open-ends option above). See Review Button in the Interviewer interface.



This option enables single response questions (excepting open-ended questions) to be automatically confirmed as soon as the interviewer makes a choice. The interviewer will not be presented with an OK/Cancel dialog box to confirm the response, and the next question will automatically appear.

Backward jump allowed


If this option is active, the interviewer is allowed to scroll backwards through the questionnaire (see Navigating through questions).  If it is not active, the scroll arrows will not be operational when the interviewer toggles to Browse mode by pressing the ESC key or clicking on the Running icon.

Display alias


If this option is activated, the current question's alias is displayed together with the long label. Also, when in CATI Screen mode, the interviewer may use question aliases as "go to" references during the interview.

Auto-check Open-end


This option is intended for auto-administered web surveys. As soon as the respondent types in an open-end edit box, the associated choice code for the question will be automatically selected.

Forward jumps allowed


If this option is activated, the interviewer may use the ESC key to go forwards through the questionnaire (see Entering Responses, in the interviewing module). It does not apply to or restrict  the supervisor.

Note: This option is NOT recommended for normal questionnaires, since it permits jumping forward outside the control of the questionnaire's skip logic. It is an option intended  to facilitate the testing of chosen questionnaire segments when using live data.

Other Options


Applies to


Status Bar message


This option applies only if the CATI Screen Option is checked. The content of this field appears at the bottom of the interviewer`s window.

Note: In order to appear, the interviewer's Internet Explorer must be configured to include the IP or Server address as a Trusted Site. If using Firefox, the 'Change status bar text' option must checked in theContent> Advanced Javascript options.

Auto dialing



Open-ends recording and playback



Voice recording directory



Voice recording file extension



Do Not Call List Settings


The 'Do Not Use' option will disregard the Do Not Call List. The 'Enforce' option will prevent any telephone number in the Do Not Call List from being dialed. The 'Enforce with Expiration' option allows you to specify an Expiring Period (in months). Telephone numbers whose registration date compared to the current date exceeds the expiring period will not be prevented from being called.