
A user is a person registered in a user list in the Command Center. A user has several characteristics:

  1. A user is resource that can be assigned to one or more collection or Pronto telephony modules.

  2. When a user is assigned to a module, a user alias (for that user) is attached to the module in the Navigation Tree.

  3. Access to a module is constrained to those users (interviewers) or user lists that have been assigned to the module.

  4. A user has Rights which are conferred to him/her by assigning one or more Roles to the user list  to which he/she belongs. These rights enable the user to view and take certain actions on selected groups or objects in the Command Center.

Note:Users in the Command Center are also users in Voxco's Security Management System.

Managing users

To add a user

A new user is created within a user list: you must first access the appropriate user list. If this list does not yet exist, you must create it first: see User List.

Note: To add a user who can immediately access a project and conduct an interview, add the user to the default user list titled Interviewers. This list is configured with the rights to conduct interviews.

  1. Navigate to, and select the User List in the Navigation Tree

  2. The User/User List configuration screen will be presented. In the Example below, the User List titled Interviewers is selected.



To configure a user

  1. Select a user in the list

  2. Click on the Edit button in the toolbar. The User Information page will be presented.

  3. Complete the fields in the page, and then click on the Accept button.

Note: The User Information page is also accessible from the Command Center's main menu under Preferences. When accessed this way, it opens up the page for the currently authenticated user.



The General, Security, and Regional settings are mostly self-explanatory.


Remote Agent Phone Number

This field is used by the dialer when trying to communicate with an interviewer outside the call center when in Outbound Remote Agent mode (as opposed to the old Remote Agent where an interviewer calls the dialer).

If this field is empty when the Remote Agent Module has both Inbound and Outbound selected, Inbound mode will be the default mode used.

Active Directory Authentication

Directs the system to validate the Login and Password with a Domain Controller.

  • Reduces the number of passwords that a user needs to remember and manage.

  • Makes use of the security features provided by Domain Control.


  • When this option is checked the Password field is hidden since it does not apply.

  • This option also applies to users synchronized with A4S.

Default audio Monitoring module

To enable audio monitoring, an (audio)-Monitoring module must be installed in the System Modules master folder. This setting selects the default one, if necessary.