The scenario for this project is an outbound predictive dialing campaign where the respondents can take the survey (or part of it) by one or both of two methods:
Providing answers over the telephone to questions posed by an interviewer who, in turn, is running a questionnaire on his/her workstation.
Directly supplying answers through a browser, accessing a questionnaire by means of a URL (usually provided through an email message).
Typically the respondent is first contacted by telephone, after which, during the interview, the interviewer offers the respondent the choice of continuing the survey over the telephone, or continuing later on through a self-administered survey.
The switch can even be reversed. The respondent doing a self-administered survey can be offered the choice of continuing the survey in conversation with an interviewer. In this scenario the case must put into call-back state, and the respondent will be called back later.
Requirements for the project are:
A collection module for each mode: CATI module and CAWI module.
For the predictive dialing, a (Pronto) Predictive module.
The questionnaire(s) associated with each collection module must be designed to enable the respondent to switch from one mode to the other; see Questionnaires below.
Note: The questionnaire attached to the CAWI module does not have to be the same as the one attached to the CATI module. In fact, these questionnaires are likely to be designed with some differences which reflect each collection mode environment.
A Project need only have one questionnaire defined; this is the 'Default questionnaire' in the Project Settings. It will be used in any Collection Module which does not have its own questionnaire defined.
In a mixed-mode project, rather then design a single 'Default' questionnaire customized to be suitable for each of its collection modules, it is usually easier and more appropriate to create a questionnaire for each Collection Module. These questionnaires will be similar to each other, particularly for the body of the 'survey' questions, but will differ mainly in the 'administrative' details. These are described below.
This questionnaire need only contain the 'survey' questions and the INT question. The Field Management tools consult exclusively the Default questionnaire for the list of survey questions, and for the list of call results (in the INT question).
Note: If the Default questionnaire is missing any question which is used in a Collection Module's questionnaire, it will not be available to the Field Management tools. However, the collected data is always in the database; it will become available to the Field Management tools as soon as the Default questionnaire is modified to include these questions.
The screen-shot below, of the questions list in Design, shows the beginning section, the main body section (faded out), and the ending section of the questionnaire.
The beginning section contains several INTnn questions for collecting call results as required. The 'survey' questions are highlighted.
The ending section contains the obligatory main INT question, followed by procedures. Questions F8-INT05 enable the switch from CATI to CAWI. They are declared as a procedure so that they can be accessed at any time during the interview, by clicking on a button.
The question in the procedure which sends the email bears the alias 'SEND'. It uses a $SENDMAIL mask:
Its Long Label, as shown below, defines the body of the email, together with the link for the respondent to enter the CAWI survey:
This questionnaire can have a simpler beginning section than in the above CATI example, since telephony-related INTnn questions are not required. To enable the switch from CAWI to CATI, the respondent must be able to supply a telephone number for the call-back, and a call-result must be collected to put the respondent into call-back state. A call-back rule must be defined for this call-result.
The users assigned in the CATI module are automatically assigned to the Pronto Predictive module, as shown in the screen-shot below: