When the ability to use HTML in a question's labels (long label, short label etc.) is not enough, you can fully customize the display of one or more questions (and their choices) by "including" an HTML file in a Text type screen - in the text edit window of its Screen Options. This functionality is enabled through a mini-toolbox of commands which can be inserted in the HTML code to refer to questions and their attributes.
Note: A custom HTML screen is by nature static, hence certain dynamic features cannot be supported, such as: skips, rotations etc.
To add a custom screen using HTML:
Add a Text type screen in the Screens tab. The screen may include several questions or even just only one if necessary (see Creating a Text type screen)
Click on the Screen Options button.
In the Text edit window, type the INCLUDE command referencing the HTML file containing the code defining the custom screen.
Note: The complete path to the HTM file on the server can be specified. This is only necessary, however, if the file is not in the same location as the questionnaire.
To create an INCLUDE file
You can create an INCLUDE file of any question or screen while it is being displayed in the Preview window i.e. when Testing the questionnaire, or accessing the screen in the Screens tab . The File>Save As command will save the screen's HTML (together with its INCLUDE instructions) under the file name that you specify. Later, you can use any HTML editor to customize the HTML.
Warning: When customizing the HTML, the INPUT TYPE containing the QUESTLIST command must not be removed since it is essential for capturing the data. It is most important to test the questionnaire in 'live' mode to ensure that all the data is being written to the database.
Note: HTML (INCLUDE) files must be Published (uploaded) to the questionnaire in the Command Center. This is normally done using the Questionnaire Manager.
The INCLUDE function can also be used to add other elements in the project such as a Progress Bar, a Header and/or a Footer.
Note: Quotation marks are required if the value of the parameter contains a comma or parenthesis.
Important note: To specify the recall of another question in the INCLUDE page the question referenced must be enclosed in square brackets [].
The sub-functions below are shortcuts to _$QuestionText :
_$QuestionLongLabel (QUESTION= “ALIAS[+ n]“, LANG= “Language”)
_$QuestionShortLabel (QUESTION= “ALIAS[+ n]“, LANG= “Language”)
_$QuestionMessage (QUESTION= “ALIAS[+ n]“, LANG= “Language”)
_$QuestionChoice (QUESTION= “ALIAS[+ n]“,CHOICE=”Code[+n]”, LANG= “Language”)
Heading Reference |
Sub-heading Reference |
Message Reference |
_$QuestionText(QUESTION=”NAME”, SECTION=”MSG”) |
Choice Reference |
_$QuestionText(QUESTION=”NAME”, SECTION=”CHOICE :01”) |
Reference related to a Question |
Reference related to a Choice |
_$QuestionText(QUESTION=”NAME” ,SECTION=”CHOICE:01+1”) |
Reference forcing a Language |
_$QuestionText(QUESTION=”NAME”, SECTION=”LLABEL”, LANG=”en“) |
Parameter |
Description |
Specifies the question from which the text will be extracted. The current question will be used if this parameter is omitted. To obtain a relative reference, you merely need to increment (+) the reference by the desired value. Thus, if Q1 is the 3rd question and we reference Q1+1, then we will reference the 4th question. |
Specifies a location within the question being referenced. The Heading text will be returned if this parameter is omitted.
This parameter displays referenced text in a specific language. The default interview language will be used if this parameter is omitted. |
This function repeats a project's Header.
Syntax: _$ProjectHeader()
This function repeats a project's Footer.
Syntax: _$ProjectFooter()
This function is used to recall a project's Progress Bar (as long as it's visible).
Parameter |
Description |
Sets the project's Progress Bar orientation. A vertical bar usually lies within the left or right section of a page whereas a horizontal bar is displayed at the top or bottom. |
This function is used to display a question's multiple choices in <SELECT> HTML form.
Syntax: _$ChoicesList(QUESTION=”NAME”, LANG=”en“)
_$ChoicesList(QUESTION= “Q1”)
_$ChoicesList(QUESTION= “Q1”,LANG=”EN”)
Parameter |
Description |
This parameter specifies the question from which multiple choices are extracted. The current question will be used if this parameter is omitted. To obtain a relative reference, you merely need to increment (+) the reference by the desired value. Thus, if Q1 is the 3rd question and we reference Q1+1, then we will reference the 4th question. |
This parameter is used to display referenced choices in a specific language. The survey's default language will be used if this parameter is omitted. |
Element |
Explanation |
Questions to be included |
The QUESTLIST command defines which questions are to be included in the screen. It requires a list of question aliases separated by semicolons. Example: <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=QUESTLIST VALUE= "Q1;Q2;Q3"> |
Single Response Questions |
Each radio button (each choice) uses this instruction which requires identification of the code and alias of the question: <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=alias VALUE=code %alias:code%> The coding, %alias:code% ensures that the respondent's answer remains on the screen. Example: <INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=Q1 VALUE=1 %Q1:1%> |
Drop-down box |
For each choice in the drop-down (SELECT) box use this instruction which requires the alias, the code of the question, and the label to the code: <SELECT NAME=alias><OPTION VALUE=code %alias:code%>label</SELECT> Example: <SELECT NAME=Q1><OPTION VALUE=1 %Q1:1%>Choice 1 |
Text field |
For each question requiring a text field: <INPUT NAME=alias VALUE=%Q1%> Example: <INPUT NAME=Q1 VALUE=%Q1%> |
Open-ended response |
For each open-ended choice, immediately after the INPUT command for the choice: <TEXTAREA ROWS="n. rows" COLS="n. cols" NAME="alias:O">%alias:O%</TEXTAREA> Example: <TEXTAREA rows="5" cols="70" name="Q19:O">%Q19:O%</TEXTAREA> |
Multiple Response Questions |
Each check box (each choice) uses this instruction which requires the code and alias of the question: <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=alias:code VALUE=code %alias:code%> Example: <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME=Q1:1 VALUE=1 %Q1:1%> |
Drop-down box |
For each choice in the drop-down (SELECT) box use this instruction which requires the code and the alias of the question, and the label to the code: <SELECT NAME=alias MULTIPLE><OPTION VALUE=code %alias:code%>label</SELECT> Example: <SELECT NAME=Q1 MULTIPLE><OPTION VALUE=1 %Q1:1%>Choice 1 |
Note: To display a question's validation errors, you must include the %alias:ERROR% variable where you wish the errors to appear.