The re-coding tasks allow you to code or re-code many open-ends at the same time. Changes are applied, as required, either to:
All the (Filtered) open-ends currently displayed in the Coding Grid, or
Only those whose check-box is checked (Selection).
Allows you to replace the current code for all those open-ends whose Code or Open-end contains your Find string.
Replaces the current code (with the replacement code) for all the selected open-ends.
Adds the specified code to an unused mention for the question. It will appear in the PreCode column for all of the selected open-ends.
When this list is displayed, you can re-code the currently selected open-end by simply clicking on the desired code in the list.
Allows you to add new codes to the code list for the currently selected question.
Note: When a code is created, it is immediately recognized in the open-ends coding tool. However, it is not automatically added to the question's code list in the Questionnaire; the new code is added to a list of Pending Changes to be made to the questionnaire. Pending Changes are implemented in the Questionnaire page in the Questionnaires (master folder). Until this is done, the new codes will not be reflected in reports with breakdowns by choice code or in extracted variable descriptions.
Codes which have not been added to the Questionnaire will be highlighted in green in the Recode from Code list:
Extracts the open-ends for the currently selected question to a CSV file. The output is divided into a three sections: Question, Choices and Data, see below:
Allows you to re-import the edited and re-coded open-ends back into the project (see above).