Open-Ends Interface



Whenever you make any change to an open-end or its code in the coding grid, it will be flagged, and remain so, until you click on the Accept button:



Filters allow you to the display a subset of the open-ends for the selected question. You can filter using a Case Filter and a Keywords filter simultaneously (see Filters.

Tasks provide tools to support the coding and re-coding process. For a detailed description of the individual tasks see Tasks (coding).

The Extraction and Import commands (whose use is strictly optional) enable open-ends to be edited and coded outside the Command Center. Extraction creates a CSV (comma delimited file) containing the open-ends and codes which can be edited in Excel (for example). The edit file can then be Imported back into the project; note, however that there is no validation of codes in this operation.

Question Selection

This drop-down list displays all questions which have been designed to be able to collect open-ended responses.

Coding Grid

This table displays the open-ends for the currently selected question. Only those conforming to the filters (if one has been specified) will be included.


Select All/Unselect All

These buttons select or un-select all of the displayed open-ends (check-boxes)

Hide Recoded

This option hides all of the open-ends which have already been re-coded i.e. those which do not bear the original code.

Validate recode

This option will display a warning whenever you modify any code (in the Editable PreCode column) which does not have the Open-End attribute in the questionnaire.

Display Open-end

This option adds the display of the currently selected open-end in a special window on the right-hand side of the screen.


When the question is in a roster, allows you to choose the row (matrix)


Filters the open-ends by the language selected when they were entered i.e. the language in the LANG question.

Non-coded count

The number of open-ends whose original code has not been changed (re-coded).

Coding grid columns




The check-box is used to select open-ends for coding/re-coding operations

Case Id.

The case id. to which the open-end belongs.

A double- click on this button opens a window displaying the answers to all of the questions for the case.


Note: This column  and the Editable Precode column appear only if the question allows for more than one response.

All of the codes (all mentions) selected for the question. If there are several mentions, the same set of codes is displayed in each mention.

Note: If any of the codes is not present in the question's code list, this field be highlighted in red.

Editable Precode

In this column you can modify any code by typing over it. You can also add codes by typing them in (codes must be separated by a single space). Once you have clicked on the Accept button at the top-left of the screen, the PreCode column will be updated to reflect the changes made.


The mention number in the question to which the open-end is attached.


The code assigned to the open-end. You can edit this code in situ.

Note: If the code is not present in the question's code list, this field will be highlighted in red.

Display of other questions

The content of up to 10 other questions can be displayed between the Code and Open-end columns. These editable questions can be selected in the 'Questions to Display' option in the Case Filter. The purpose of this feature is to enable responses to be modified if appropriate according to the open-ended response being viewed.


The open-ended response for the mention. You can edit the open-end in situ.