Overview - Questionnaires

In the Command Center, a Questionnaire, also known as a script, is the instrument which drives a survey displayed on the workstation or device of the user (interviewer) or respondent. It also describes the variables into which survey data is stored in a project database. Given these two functions, a questionnaire is needed by the project itself, and also by any collection modules (CATI/CAWI/CAPI etc.) attached to it.

Note: Questionnaires that will drive CAPI-Mobile collection modules are subject to special considerations; see Questionnaire Design - CAPI-Mobile Questionnaires.

Questionnaires are created and edited using Design (Questionnaire Designer, a Windows application) running on the designer's workstation. Design operates locally on questionnaire files (bearing a .QUE extension). It is important to understand that these .QUE files are not the questionnaires installed in the Command Center. Once a QUE file has been edited locally, it must be "uploaded" to the Command Center in order for it to update the questionnaire on the server.

Design has tools to create questionnaires on the server, to update a questionnaire on the server by uploading a QUE file into it, and to download a questionnaire from the server into a QUE file.