Below is a summary of the main questionnaire syntax applying to CAPI_Mobile questionnaires.
The name of the question (up to 8 characters; the first character cannot be a digit). By default, the alias given to the question is _nnn, where nnn is the question's sequence number.
n _112
Note: It is strongly recommended that you provide an alias for each and every question. Customized aliases are easier to read and understand, furthermore they do not change when new questions are inserted before them.
Any sequence of aliases, separated by commas ",".
Example: CRIT1,CRIT2
Any sequence of existing choice codes, separated by commas ",".
Example: Assume that a question has 6 choices with codes 0,1,2,3,4,9
Operations on questions are specified using the + - * / algebraic operations and any function described in Complex Skip Conditions acting upon questions, numeric constants, system variables or expressions enclosed in parentheses.
(Q12 + Q14 + Q16) / 3
MOD (JUL (YEAR, MONTH, DAY) - $D, 7) + 1
3.14159 * R
IF ((Q12 = 1 OR Q13 = 1), Q14, 0)