The extraction tool enables you to export data from selected project questions and system variables to an external file. You can specify the destination format, and apply a filter to include only the required subset of cases in the database.
You can save the complete set of currently configured Extraction Options as a Task; this enables you to reuse the set at a later date.
When you make a successful extraction (see Task History) the complete set of extraction options specific to the Destination Format (selected questions included), and you as a User, are automatically stored as a 'virtual task'. When you next enter this page to perform an extraction for this project, these options will be loaded automatically corresponding to the chosen Destination Format. This minimizes the work required to repeat the last extraction, with the exception of, perhaps, changing the destination file name.
Warning: If changes were made to the questionnaire since the last successful extraction, the above 'default' settings might no longer be valid and this would result in an 'unsuccessful extraction'.
Field |
Description |
Exporting To |
Destination Format |
The format of the file to be exported. Choose between: Access Command Center. Creates two XML files which can later be imported into another Command Center project:
CSV. This format refers to a delimited text file. You specify the character which delimits each of the source file's data elements in the Field Delimiter. CSV ex. This format refers to a delimited text file (see CSV above) where a each mention of a question is represented by a separate variable. Interviewer SQL. A pre-Command Center Voxco project - versions 5x Interviewer PNT. A pre-Command Center Voxco project - version 4x Warning: The SQL and PNT formats support question aliases of not more than 5 characters. SAV. Creates a file (containing both variable definitions and data) readable by SPSS. SEQ. Creates a proprietary file specific to Survey Craft. TXT. Creates a text file in which every variable starts in its own specified record and column position. XML. Allows you to export data to an XML file. Notes: .NOT file: Regardless of the selected destination format, a text file bearing a .NOT extension is also created. It contains any notes taken during interviews using the NOTES button. Each note is prefixed with the project name, date, time, question number and alias and roster row. Rosters: With the exception of Access and XML formats, roster data is flattened. |
Destination Filename |
The name of the file to export. The file will be exported to the Exported Files directory on the file server. Limit: The filename for a TXT file must not exceed 10 characters. Tip: As a shortcut, you can use system variables in the destination fie name: $P (Project name), $D (Date YYYYMMDD) and $H (Time HHMM). Note: You may then access and download the file using the Exported Files (Browser). |
Save Task...Load Task |
This feature enables you to save the current exportation options under a Task title (name)which you assign: Later on, when you wish to perform an exportation using a particular combination of options, you can browse for and load the appropriate Task: Copy From allows you to open a task. You can then edit its name and re-save it. Note: When you save a Task, you also have option of having it executed by the Task Scheduler. |
Format Settings for CSV and CSV ex |
Select Encoding |
Options: Windows-1252, Unicode, ASCII |
For CSV (delimited text files), this setting allows you to specify the character which will be used to delimit the file being exported. The default delimiter is "," (comma). |
Enclose Values in Double Quotes |
Allows you to enclose exported data in double quotes. This option is useful when there are blanks or other characters in the data which might otherwise be interpreted a delimiters by external applications used to read the exported file. |
Include Header |
This option will include, as a first record in the exported file, a header consisting of variable names. |
Merge Multiple-mention Open-ends |
This option (CSV only) applies to any multiple-response question which may collect several open-ended responses. If checked, all open-ends for the question will be merged into a single column (the merged open-ends will be separated from each other by 3 blank spaces). |
Code/Language |
The item selected in this drop-down list controls what is extracted: 'Code' (default) will extract choice codes; if a language is selected, choice labels will be extracted instead of choice codes. |
Format Settings for PNT |
Allow renumbering |
Enables case records to be renumbered i.e. substituting their current case id. number. |
Format Settings for SAV |
Language |
For questionnaires in several languages, allows you to select the language for question and choice labels. |
Dichotomized multiple |
This option (for a multiple response question) creates a variable for each of the question's choices. The variable corresponding to a choice that is not selected is coded '0' (zero), the variable corresponding to a choice which is selected is coded '1' (one). Note: If none of the question's choices have been selected, every one of its choices will all be coded as missing (represented as -9998). |
Numeric Values |
This option substitutes missing or non-numeric values in variables where a numeric value is expected. Missing is represented as -9998, Non-Numeric is represented as -9999. |
Format Settings for TXT |
Language |
For questionnaires in several languages, allows you to select the language for question and choice labels. |
Encoding |
The options are: Windows-1252, Unicode or ASCII |
The maximum number of characters for a record i.e. line in the exported file. |
Definition file |
Files describing the variables and mapping of the data:
Format Settings for SEQ |
Renumber Case IDs |
Renumbers the case IDs sequentially starting with the number specified. |
Data Options |
Include Open-ends |
Include the open-ended responses. Options applying to TXT destination format only:
Include Call History |
Includes the history of the calls. |
Include Labels |
This option applies to Access destination format only, |
Strip HTML from Labels |
This option applies to Access, CSVeX, SAV, SEQ, TXT destination formats only. |
Export All Fields |
This option applies to Access, CSV and CSVeX destination formats. |
Quotas TimeSlots |
These options only apply when extracting to another Voxco (Command Center) project. |
Use Sequential Numbering |
When extracting to a SEQ (Surveycraft) file, by default the variable names will be in steps of 10 i.e. Q1, Q10, Q20 etc.. The sequential numbering option will number them sequentially i.e. Q1, Q2, Q3 etc. |
Question Selection |
Question Selection |
This list shows the system variables and questions which will be extracted:
Note: The columns titled 'Record' and 'Column' appear only when the TXT format has been selected. To configure the Questions list To edit this list, click on the The left-hand list contains all the project's system variables and questions. Those already selected for extraction (see below) are shown in red. The 'From' and 'To' fields, at the head of the list, enable you to control (filter) the sequential set of system variables and questions displayed when you click on the Filter button.. The Clear button clears this Filter i.e. all questions will be shown. Useful shortcut combinations are:
The right-hand list contains all the system variables and questions which will be extracted. The buttons located between the lists allow you to move questions from one list to the other. The buttons operate on the questions currently selected by means of their check-boxes. The buttons designated >>_O AND <<_O move all questions with open-ends. The Move Up and Move Down buttons located above the right-hand list will reposition the currently selected questions. Note: Questions being moved from the left-hand to the right-hand list are normally appended. However, if a single question is selected in the right-hand list, the questions will be inserted before it. Exporting to a TXT fileWhen exporting to a TXT file (see the screen-shot above), you can individually specify the record and column position for each variable/question, either by typing in the values, or by using the Calculate buttons (see below) Calculate All. This button automatically computes record and column positions based on the Max. record width (see above) and the number of characters occupied by each variable/question. Note: You can force a consecutive set of variables/questions to be repeated on each record. To do so, simply assign them a record number of '0'. When you 'Calculate All', the columns occupied by these variables/questions will be reserved, and the record/column positions of the remaining variables/questions will be calculated appropriately in accordance with the Max. record width. Calculate Selected. This button computes record and column positions for the currently selected (contiguous) questions. It calculates from the record/column position of the question immediately preceding the selection. The record and column positions are calculated based on the Max. record width (see above) and the number of characters occupied by each variable/question. |
Button |
Description |
Export |
Executes the exportation. |
Filter |
Opens the Record Filter page. |
View Active Tasks |
Displays the Active Tasks page |
View Exported Files |
Opens the Exported Files (Browser). |