To create a procedure
Click the add procedure button to the left of the Number of procedures box to add a new line to the end of the list.
Specify the first question in the Begin cell and the last question in the End cell. Drag and drop the appropriate questions from the Question list into the Begin cell and the End cell, or enter the alias manually.
Double-click the Return to cell. Select Return to the Starting Point (default) or Return to the next question as required.
Click OK to accept the new procedure.
To make a procedure accessible through a button
To make a procedure accessible through a hot key (button), the alias of the first question in the procedure must be one of the Special Questions reserved for hot keys. For example, if a question 'F7' exists, pressing the button that appears on the screen titled F7 causes the flow of the questionnaire to be redirected to question 'F7'.
To customize the title of the button, simply enter it in the question's 'Message' field. The text will appear rather than the question's alias.
Important: In the Command Center, even though a further procedure may be called before the previous one has been completed, when the last question in the current procedure is executed, flow will always return to the point from which the first procedure was called.